Sunday, May 5, 2013


I am Canadian born, Dakota Sioux illegally adopted outside of the reservation and into the United States, to a white couple in Kansas.  I adore my adopted parents, they didn't know the adoption was illegal until 4 years ago. Unlike many of the other Native adoptions, my parents didn't cut my hair or take my native language from me. My father made sure I kept my native heritage ways.

Currently I am in Kansas, but have spent the majority of my life in Arkansas and Louisiana. Born again Cajun, they tell me. Soon I will be moving into the Appalachian foothills with another family. This blog is about me starting over. I need a new life, this old one doesn't work for me. I will reminisce about my past, as my history created me, and I have some awesome stories. I will talk about my present as well as what I think my future holds.

This could be a long strange trip, and maybe some hookers.